When driving a car, it is essential to keep an eye on the dashboard for any warning lights. Each light signifies a particular problem with the vehicle, and as a driver, it's wise to understand what each icon means. Here are some machine failure icons and what they mean:
Engine warning light: This icon is usually shaped like a motor and indicates a malfunction in the engine's system. It could be caused by various factors such as faulty sensors, fuel delivery problems, or a damaged catalytic converter. This warning light is serious and should not be ignored. Battery warning light: This icon is shaped like a battery and is an indication of a problem with the car's charging system. It could signify a faulty alternator, a worn-out battery, or bad battery cables. If this warning light comes on, it's best to get the car checked immediately. Oil pressure warning light: This icon is shaped like an oil can and signifies that the car's oil pressure has dropped below normal levels. Low oil pressure could result in engine overheating and possible engine seizure. It's best to pull over immediately and turn off the engine before calling for assistance. Brake system warning light: This icon is usually shaped like a brake pad and signifies a problem in the car's brake system. It could be an indication that the brake pads are worn out, the brake fluid is low or leaks, or there's an issue with the brake system's electronic sensors. It's unsafe to continue driving with this warning light on.In conclusion, it is essential to understand what each machine failure warning light on a car dashboard means. Ignoring them could lead to more severe problems and costly repairs. If any warning light comes on, it's best to get it checked immediately by a qualified mechanic.