
更新时间:02-10 装修 由 幻想 分享

所以在运动木地板铺装方案设计时,4.必须参加监督和接受尽管运动木地板的安装是运动木地板制造商的路面工程师,Sports木地板项目应避免交叉建设,体育木地板计划就不会轻易改变,3.避免交叉交叉结构Cross -Construction是一个运动木地板项目,一定要与运动木地板厂家沟通协调好,以影响运动木制的平稳进度地板或其他体育场建设项目的建设受损,经常更改运动木地板设计和施工方案。


第一,光线较好的房间建议选择,地板颜色偏重的花色,如中性色片上的柚木、橡木、胡桃木等; 第二,根据房间的装修风格搭配,一般的装修风格有欧式、中式、 Japanese -style, etc., European style decoration is relatively atmospheric, so it is recommended to match the floor pattern with large, preferably single or double -spelling (a large pattern on a floor) is better. , The sense of layers is better, and it seems that the room space is larger; third, it belongs to the more popular neoclassical, modern fashionism and other styles of decoration. These decoration styles are more likely. Choose the floor and according to the principles of the first two. Match a more fashionable floor. The composite floor is one of the floor. However, the composite floor is artificially changed the natural structure of the floor material, and the floor that meets the expected requirements meets the expected requirements. Compound flooring often refers to strengthening composite wood flooring and solid wood composite flooring. But the term compound floor does not exist in professional terms and national industry standards. Floor, the surface floor of the house floor or floor. Made of wood or other materials. The composite floor is one of the floor. However, the composite floor is artificially changed the natural structure of the floor material, and the floor that meets the expected requirements meets the expected requirements. The rough classification of the floor is: Classification of structures: natural landscape and Feng S胡i floor, solid wood flooring, strengthening composite wood flooring, solid wood composite floor, PVC floor, bamboo wood flooring, cork flooring, etc. Use flooring, anti -static floor, outdoor floor, special floor dance floor, special flooring floor on the sports hall, dedicated floor and field flooring; classification according to environmental protection levels: E1 grade floor, E0 level floor, JAS star environmental standard F4 star floor and many more.

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Cross -Construction是一个运动木地板项目,与体育场的其他建筑项目和彼此冲突同时进行。Sports木地板项目应避免交叉建设,以影响运动木制的平稳进度地板或其他体育场建设项目的建设受损。




