1、适逢更换水桶即水桶内部水位约只剩1/6时(约3公斤)将水桶取下,加入本剂一包使溶剂充分溶解;2、先断掉电源,再从饮水机排水口将余水排尽(排水口在饮水机背部或底部);3、将盛有饮水机除垢剂溶液的水桶放在饮水机上,打开水龙头,有水流出时,再关闭水龙头。使机内充满溶液,浸洗5-10分钟后,打开水龙头和排水口将余水放尽;4、将盛有清水的水桶放在饮水机上,打开水龙头,有水流出时,再关闭水龙头,等待30秒,然后打开水龙头和排水口将余水放尽,完毕后即可通电正常使用了。 温馨提示:清洗过后水总是酸酸的怎么回事?那是因为你没有把清洗后的水排干净,一般饮水机后面会有两个水堵,这两个水堵得水位总是比前面两个水龙头的水位低的,因此只通过前面的水龙头排水是不能把漂洗饮水机的水排干净的,所以才导致了水会一直都酸味!所以,记得下次清洗后,要前后四个排水孔同时排水,就可以把含有消毒除垢剂的酸水排彻底了!
Qinyuan water dispensers adopt a new type of rapid heating water to achieve fast family members of the water dispenser, that is, it is very convenient to drink immediately; innovatively designing scale removal device, physical removal, and improvement of drinking water health; high -tech keys to control the amount of water, save no waste. The largest selling point of the Qinyuan water dispenser is that the heat effect of Qinyuan's water drinking mechanism is very fast. The design of the drinking drink makes Qinyuan's water dispenser ahead of all other water dispenser brands, and it is just that consumers to buy a water dispenser depends on the heating effect of the water dispenser. The water dispenser of Qinyuan has become the target of the public.沁园饮水机配件:温机:指示灯板、热罐、加热温控器、防干烧温控器冰机:指示灯板、热罐、开关电源板、电子冰胆、加热温控器、 Anti -dried temperature controller, compressor: indicator light board, hot tank, heating temperature controller, anti -dried temperature controller, compressor, condenser, cold tank, evaporator (copper tube), capillary, drying filter Essence Qinyuan water dispenser quotation Qinyuan vertical cooling type (electronic refrigeration) water dispenser BD83 Market price: ¥ 478.00 Mall price: ¥ 299.00 Qinyuan stand -up stand -out -free hot and cold -cold (electronic refrigeration) water dispenser BD81 market price: ¥ ¥ 1688.00 Mall price: ¥ 1150.00 Qinyuan vertical warm -type water dispenser B83 Market price: ¥ 268.00 Mall price: ¥ 198.00 Qinyuan stand -type stand -free hot bile warm hot water dispenser B78 Red market price: ¥ 988.00 Mall price: ¥ 698.00 Qinyuan vertical warm water dispenser YR-5 (B85) Market price: ¥ 399.00 Mall Price: ¥ 258.00 Qinyuan Establishing Style-free Cool Cooling (electronic refrigeration) water dispenser BD77 Market price: ¥ 1650.00 Mall price:: ¥ 1650.00 Mall price: ¥ 1096.00