
更新时间:02-02 装修 由 别认怂 分享



You can only tell you the difference between bamboo charcoal. In the pillow, the difference between bamboo charcoal is the difference: bamboo granular charcoal fiber fiber pattern is 非常明显, shiny, relatively speaking, the fiber pattern of charcoal is dark; The smooth shape, while the charcoal basically does not have such a 非常明显 smooth surface.另外,从特性角度看它们两者之间也有着较明显的区别,只是不容易简单辨别,需要仪器检测: 1、竹炭比表面积为木炭的三倍,使得竹备长炭的吸着性较木炭或Other materials are large, with adsorption for more than 8 times charcoal. 2. The minerals contained in bamboo charcoal are 8 times the charcoal. Because minerals contain minerals as alkaline ions, they can make weak alkaline and pure mineral water with about 8 pH. In addition to the good taste, it can balance the acidic constitution. Modern people. The carbon content of charcoal is about 87-93%, so it can be used as a good fuel; the carbon content of bamboo charcoal is about 75-86%. It is not suitable for it as a fuel-type charcoal. , Far infrared and blocking electromagnetic waves. Bamboo long charcoal is 5 times the charcoal. The powerful deodorization and purification function of negative ion function has a special improvement effect on water and air quality.


竹木炭枕头颈椎枕头价格:88元 - 长期使用竹木炭枕头和竹木炭床垫可以促进人类的血液循环和代谢,缓解疲劳,并对肩膀酸背痛,风湿病,失眠,雅神,雅神,雅神,雅神,雅神,雅神,雅神,失眠症,失眠症,辅助作用此外,竹木炭还具有灭菌和除臭的功能,竹木炭枕头在夏季非常健康。


如何清洁竹木炭枕头?枕头是人类睡眠的好助手,不仅可以选择枕头,还可以维护枕头。关于清洁枕头,这将为您提供一些建议。清洁竹木炭枕头时,如何清洁竹木炭枕头应注意清洁方法:1。使用温和的中性粒细胞洗涤。 2.将枕头放入洗衣粉溶液中,并不断用手挤压枕头,直到洗净为止,并且必须将多余的洗涤液挤出。 3.将水经过,直到冲洗枕头,最后挤压多余的水。 4.干燥枕头平坦,将柔软和蓬松。 5.请勿使用非常酸性和碱性清洁剂清洁竹碳。由于竹碳的吸附作用很强,因此它渗透到竹碳中并影响健康。干燥的竹碳产品每月几次保持竹碳产品的天然空气干燥。竹木炭枕头必须经常干燥,而不会干燥竹木炭枕头,这可能会危害我们的健康。枕头很容易固定头皮,油等,并且已成为繁殖螨虫的摇篮。因此,必须拿出竹木炭枕头以经常干燥。当有大太阳时,最好将其暴露超过一个小时。这可以很好地保持枕头的健康!竹木炭枕头必须定期清洁竹木炭枕头,最好定期清洁。最好花大约半个月。否则,将竹木炭枕头上的螨虫吸入鼻腔中,这可能会导致过敏和哮喘。
