Ku顺家庭防水,卓高,希杰Beauty Sewing,Color Cow,Van Tony等。建议使用Ko顺的防水M200绿色缝纫剂。它的优势是:高质量的原材料,环保且环保;柔性和固体,适合接地加热;时尚着色,耐用锁;建筑技术:在建筑瓷砖和间隙的建造时,请仔细清理油污渍,松散和其他污染物;并确保瓷砖和瓷砖的表面是干燥和无水的,以便在施工后不为白色或白色;它必须在施工期间使用。帮助橡胶枪,拧开美丽的瓷胶瓶盖,将其放入帮助橡胶枪中,击中橡胶,直到同时生产AB组件;安装支撑橡胶嘴,按下橡胶枪以击中口香糖前面的40厘米胶,观察胶体的颜色,直到同时没有色素差,并且胶在同一时间不会分散。目前,差距均匀地应用于差距。胶水完成后,请使用专业的压力球球(需要单独购买)。在另一端,保持均匀;在夏季房间的温度约8小时,使用刀子或小铲子清洁瓷砖表面,而无需完全凝固材料;当冬季温度低时,需要清洁时间;瓷砖表面保持在同一水平面上。您可以粘在瓷砖两侧的瓷砖上。涂胶后,可以沿着间隙扁平,静态5-10分钟,然后撕下美丽的纸。如果您想进一步了解美国缝纫代理的相关信息,建议您咨询Ko顺Family防水。 Ku顺Family Waterproof是由Ko顺Holdings Co.,Ltd.科o顺Minjian Co.,Ltd.拥有的品牌,依靠科顺的25年专业研发技术优势,坚持国际顶级环境保护概念,并创建绿色和健康家庭装修辅助材料产品。随着该国前十名生产基础的生产能力布局和快速响应物流服务系统。通过经销商渠道,电子商务渠道和家庭装修渠道涵盖国家市场,它为数百万家庭提供了一种停滞的家庭装修辅助材料解决方案,以保护具有可信赖生活的消费者。查看未来的防水市场股利
There are many brands of tiles. It is recommended to choose Ko顺's waterproof M100 mildew -proof seam. Its advantages are: waterproof and mold, not easy to hide dirt and dirt; , Anti -bacterial antibacterial, durability resistance; high hardness, strong wear resistance, no cracking. Precautions for the use of m100 mildew -proof sewing agent: 1. During the construction process, if the interruption exceeds about 20 minutes without continuous glue, when the colloid in the mixed pipe is gradually solidified, a new mixed tube needs to be replaced;有未用完的胶,先拧下混合管,擦除胶管头部溢出的胶,再用胶盖拧实,更换新的混合管即可继续使用; 3、施工后,在材料未干之前, You cannot walk on the surface to avoid staining the ground and pollute the surface of the porcelain glue; 4. Construction should be carried out at the indoor temperature above 5 ° C. If you want to know more about the relevant information of the American sewing agent, it is recommended to consult Ko顺family waterproof. Ku顺Family Waterproof is a brand owned by Ko顺Holdings Co., Ltd.科o顺Minjian Co., Ltd., relying on科顺's 25 -year professional research and development technology advantage, adhering to the international top environmental protection concept, and creating green and healthy home improvement auxiliary materials products. With the production capacity layout and rapid response logistics service system of the top ten production bases in the country. Through dealer channels, e -commerce channels, and home improvement channels cover the national mar科t, it provides millions of households with one -stop home improvement auxiliary materials solutions to protect consumers with a trustworthy life. Ku顺Family Waterproof is a brand owned by Ko顺's wholly -owned holding company Ko顺Minjian Co., Ltd., with strong strength. View future waterproof mar科t dividends