
更新时间:02-07 装修 由 盏尽 分享



竹纤维先对棉纤维的好处有抗菌抑菌,除臭吸附,吸湿排湿(竹纤维吸水性是棉的3.5倍),强抗紫外线(棉的紫外线穿透率是竹纤维的41.7倍),素per 保健 (bamboo fiber does not have a free charge, does not generate electrostatic electricity. At the same time, bamboo fiber contains a variety of vitamins, which can regulate the body microcirculation, sparse muscles, regulate nerves), wear resistance, not easy to fade and dye It's hard to say, because it depends on how you use it, but if you use the same way, the use of bamboo fiber 毛巾s will be longer. Why? This depends on its material, just like bamboo fiber material antibacterial and bacteriostatic, bacteria will not breed in large quantities, and the damage to the 毛巾 will naturally be small, and the bamboo fiber products have the abrasion resistance. Needless to say, all aspects are very good. How to maintain it? You have to look at the precautions above the product. The main thing is not to hang on sharp things. I hope my answer is helpful to you, but anything, whether it is good or not. If you have any questions about bamboo fiber, you can leave me a message at any time, I will try my best to help you answer it!




看看个人喜好。竹纤维的优势1.竹纤维毛巾比传统的棉毛巾更健康,环保。由于物质原因,它们也具有良好的自然抗菌作用。 2.竹纤维毛巾的外观美丽而美丽,使用非常柔软舒适。 3.竹纤维毛巾的吸水量很高。它的吸水量几乎是普通棉毛巾的两倍,这可以完全吸收面部或身体上的水分。它是透气或易于清洁的。缺点1.没有纯棉毛巾和强耐用性的情况很容易破裂2.由于工艺的复杂性,价格更昂贵。 3.长时间不能将竹纤维毛巾浸入水中。纯棉毛巾的优点:1。由于用纯棉纱制成的毛巾,它柔软舒适,不会对皮肤产生过敏反应,特别适合婴儿。 2.棉花毛巾更耐洗和耐用。 3.由于棉纤维对碱具有很大的抗性,因此将棉毛巾涂在消毒剂中只会清除杂质并消毒而不会损坏毛巾本身。缺点:1。纯棉毛巾没有抗菌功能。使用后,很容易成为细菌的载体。它变硬了并且有气味。 2.纯棉毛巾长期处于潮湿状态。为了选择个人喜好,我个人认为婴儿和幼儿最好使用棉花,而成年人可以选择竹纤维。
