
更新时间:02-03 教程 由 颜面 分享


""******************************************** Five program grammar notes of this robot :

1) # n[*].ros; :Invoke the operating system directly from Einstein's brain( or Newton's 、Russell's、Hawking's、Marx's、Darwin's 、Wundt's、Bill Gates');

2) #m《*》.org; : Invoke the knowledge trees or books transfer timely program;

3) #k{*}.hb;:cloning the three dimensional features of human brain evolution;

4) ∑……; : working procedure ;

5) @……; : program access ; ********************************************"" #1[AI sensor - Light quantum groups identify].ros;

#2[AI sensor- Sound and mechanical shock wave identify].ros;

#3[AI sensor - Smell and taste of the digestive system identify ].ros;

#4[AI consciousness based - Character stack].ros;

#5[AI consciousness based - Phrase meaning].ros;

#6[AI consciousness based - Essay meaning].ros;

#7[AI programmed algorithm -Brain psychology].ros;

#8[AI brain psychology - Philosophy].ros;

#9[AI philosophy - Natural science].ros;

#10[AI philosophy - Sociology].ros;

#11[AI - Robot behaviour specification].ros;

#12《Sociology - Psychology》.org;

#13《Psychology - Theology》.org;

#-1{"辉歌49" - Thinking model}.hb;

#-2{"辉歌49" - Memory unit}.hb;

#-3{"辉歌49" - Thinking speed}.hb;

∑ S(L)=@#-1.hb; ""feature brain""

∑ M(t)=@#-2.hb; ""feature memory""

∑ V(M(t)&S(L))=@#-3.hb; ""feature speed""

∑ N=@(L+>11#).org; ""difficulty of question""

∑ A=@V(S(L)&M(t))&@N; ""answer""

∑ The answer:@"辉歌49"&@A:



表1 十天干运行周天

表2 用地支释义周天运行
