1、快递村村通。目前,网上购物最远只能到镇上,很少在村里或家里进行。十年后,预计快递将能到达每个村庄。此外,刘强东的京东已经在农村地区运营,马云在农村的淘宝也将效仿。把东西直接送到你家可能不到10年就可以实现。2、农村社区化。目前,二线和三线城市的村庄正在慢慢实现社区化,土地资源将得到释放。不管你喜不喜欢,农村社区化已经在路上实践了。十年后,农村应该成为一个统一的社区模式。3.网络全覆盖。现在国家已经出台了很多政策,并且正在加快农村地区的宽带服务。十年后,估计每个人都可以上网了。4、环境更好。生活垃圾统一回收,绿化面积逐步改善。随着新农村的建设,农村的生态环境将越来越好。5、人口减少。目前,许多人正在向城市发展,农村地区的人口也将减少。然而,随着城市人口的增加,城市疾病将变得越来越严重,许多人将选择在农村地区养老。那样的话,农村地区将会有越来越多的养老机构。将来,养老金问题会得到解决。6.医疗条件更完善。新型农业保险和新型农村合作医疗制度的政策惠及人民。从总体趋势来看,大城市仍有更多高质量的医疗资源,但可以肯定的是,十年后医疗保险的报销会更好,异地结算会更方便。十年后,交通将会更加便利,旅行速度也会更快。7、种地智能化。十年后,农业将更加依赖数据和网络管理,而不是像过去一样动手操作。此外,人工智能肯定会给农业带来新的生机。8.农民将成为一种职业。十年后,在农村,农民不再具有农民的身份,而是成为一种职业。随着土地所有权的确认和农村经营主体的升级,农民已经成为一种职业。With the rapid development of China's economy, more and more people begin to pay attention to the rural market, including Ma Yun. 'in the next 10 years, Alibaba's main priority areas will be globalization, rural economic development and big data,' Mr. Ma wrote in a letter to global shareholders. The following is the rural areas predicted by Ma Yun in ten years. It's very modern. It's very desirable.1. Express delivery to every village. At present, online shopping is as far away as the town, rarely in the village or at home. Ten years later, express delivery is expected to reach every village. In addition, Liu qiangdong's Jingdong has been operating in rural areas, and Ma Yun's Taobao in rural areas will follow suit. It may take less than 10 years to deliver things directly to your home.2. Rural community. At present, the villages in the second and third tier cities are slowly realizing the communitization, and the land resources will be released. Whether you like it or not, rural community has already been practiced on the road. Ten years later, the countryside should become a unified community model.3. Full network coverage. Now the country has issued a lot of policies, and is speeding up the broadband service in rural areas. Ten years later, it is estimated that everyone will be able to access the Internet.4. The environment is better. Domestic waste is recycled in a unified way, and the green area is gradually improved. With the construction of new countryside, the rural ecological environment will be better and better.5. The population is decreasing. At present, many people are moving to cities, and the population in rural areas will also decrease. However, with the increase of urban population, urban diseases will become more and more serious, and many people will choose to provide for the aged in rural areas. In that case, there will be more and more pension institutions in rural areas. In the future, the pension problem will be solved.