MySQL是一个开源的关系型数据库管理系统 (RDBMS),它使用C和C++编程语言来编写。其源代码可以在GitHub中进行查看和下载。
MySQL存储引擎的部分源代码示例:/* The structure for one index tree */typedef struct st_tree {uchar *block; /* Block with all keys stored (whole block) */uchar *block_end; /* End of block */btr_page_type page; /* type of page */ulint n_fields; /* Number of user fields in the index */mem_heap_t *heap; /* Memory heap where allocated */mach_read_from_n_t val[2]; /* min and max key in this tree */mtr_t mtr; /* Modification log descriptor */rw_lock_t lock; /* Lock on this tree */ibool in_flush_list; /* TRUE if write-to-disk operation pending */que_thr_t thr; /* Flush operation thread structure */btr_search_t tree_search;/* Tree search function */} btr_t;
MySQL事务处理的部分源代码示例:-- Begin a transactionSTART TRANSACTION;-- Insert new rows into a tableINSERT INTO employees (first_name, last_name, position) VALUES('John', 'Doe', 'Manager'),('Jane', 'Doe', 'Assistant Manager');-- Commit the transactionCOMMIT;