
更新时间:02-04 单词 由 情殇 分享


美['æbək]  英['æbək]n.  座标网(列线图)


  1. ABAC declare a boost to the development of minor enterprises. ABAC发宣言助推中小企业发展。
  2. ABAC meeting is chaired by Mr.Qin Xiao, Vice President of CITIC Group. 中信副董事长、招商局董事长秦晓主持。
  3. ABAC pattern is one of the problems which need to make a thorough study in Chinese. ABAC格式是汉语本体研究中有待深入研究的课题之一。
  4. On the basis of literal meaning, the meaning of ABAC, as a whole, is summarized, extended and abstracted. ABAC的整体含义在构成成分意义的基础上有概括、引申、抽象。
  5. Four-tone forms (AABB, ABAB, ABAC, ABCB, ABCD) ar e found in the languages of the Tibeto-Burman language group. 藏缅语族各个语言普遍存在以下几种形式的四音格词:AABB、ABAB、ABAC、ABCB、ABCD。
  6. In this paper,an attribute-based access control (ABAC) model is presented to address these issues. 本文提出利用基于属性的访问控制(Attribute-Based Access Control,ABAC)机制来处理 Web 服务的访问控制问题。
标签: # abac